Dear guests,
during the I Feel Slovenia IRONMAN 70.3 Slovenian Istria triathlon, several roads will be closed for traffic in Izola.
- SATURDAY 21.09.: complete closure of Sončno nabrežje (from Gorkijeva ulica to Veliki trg) from 16:00 to 17:00.
- SUNDAY 22.09.: complete closure of roads Cankarjev drevored — Trg republike -Trg republike – Sončno nabrežje – Veliki trg – Ulica ob Pečini – Tovarniška ulica – Zustovičeva ulica – eastbound, from 12:15 to 17:30.
From the old city center, occasional exit might be possible through Cankarjev drevored along the Ulica svobode.
Please check your arrival and departure time and keep in account the above road closures.
Thank you for your understanding.